Thursday, 3 October 2019

Know What Can Make or Break Your NEET 2020 Dream!

NEET is the most ambitious exam for all aspiring doctors. As much as it is important for them, equally tough too! The National Testing Agency (NTA) has already announced the date of NEET 2020 exam. As usual the exam is scheduled on the first Sunday of May i.e 3rd May 2020. Last year NTA conducted this exam for the first time and 15.19 lakhs students were reported to registered for the exam. Hence, this year more candidates are expected to appear for the exam which implies that the competition will be very tough. Keeping that in mind, here we are providing a list of do's and don'ts that a candidate must follow while preparing for NEET 2020. Remember even a single correct or incorrect question can make or break your NEET 2020 dream.

Do’s while preparing for NEET 2020:

  1. Be a friend with your syllabus first: The first thing to do before starting your NEET preparation is to check the syllabus. Once you are aware of the syllabus it becomes easier to plan your study schedule. Click here for the complete syllabus for NEET 2020. (blog link)
  2. Know the Important chapters for NEET: The syllabus of NEET exam is as vast as an ocean and you need to know the exact location to fish for the best output. Cut down on extra information and focus on important topics. It is advised to check out the important chapters and topics from which most of the questions were asked in the previous year’s NEET exam. For this, you have to do an analysis from the previous years’ NEET exam papers. A selective study will give you enough time to prepare within the last few remaining days of your exam preparation.
Are you looking for a Complete and Detailed Analysis of NEET 2019? Click Here to get it from the India’s Best Experts.
  1. Prepare a NEET Study Plan and follow it Sincerely: After having a clear knowledge about the syllabus and important chapters, the next important thing is to prepare a NEET study plan.
  • Make a study time-table keeping in mind about the important chapters and the topics which are difficult and require more time to study. Follow this time-table religiously to score well and qualify in the NEET 2020 exam.
  • To score well in NEET you should also have a thorough understanding of all the concepts. Also, the sequence of learning is very important hence, you should learn the simple concepts before knowing the complex ones. Always refer to NCERT textbooks. These books are vital resources of scientific concepts and theories in a precise manner, covering each and every topic of NEET syllabus. The content in these books are crisp and easy to recapitulate while preparing for NEET 2020.
  • We also advise you to make a checklist of important terms/definition and chemical formulas on which NEET questions were framed in past years’ exams.
  • Try study techniques such as flashcards and flowcharts to memorize important terms and chemical formulas.
  • While preparing for Biology section, it is necessary to do a comprehensive study on important diagrams as most of the questions in Biology are diagram-based.
Facing difficulty in memorizing complex Biology concepts? We have the perfect solution-Read 10 important and useful Mnemonics for Biology and learn how to make your own mnemonics to memorize things faster.

  • Solve previous years NEET exam papers to understand the difficulty level and important chapters. 32 Years Combo image.
  1. Solve NEET Sample Papers: The best way to prepare and check your accuracy level for the upcoming NEET 2020 exam is to practice Sample Papers. Solving sample papers helps in understanding your strengths and also boosts your confidence. It also helps you to maintain the time during the actual NEET 2020 exam. You can also practice from 10 Very Similar Practice Sets by MTG that contains 10 model test papers to solve and practice to understand exam pattern.
  2. Take NEET mock tests: Mock test papers are of great help while preparing for NEET 2020. Attempting mock tests will aid you in proper time management and also allows you to analyze your weaknesses. The best way is to attempt mock test is to get enrolled in NEET online test series.
Having insight about the common mistakes made by NEET students can help you improve your chances of scoring well in the exam. Read our blog – 5 Silly Mistakes to avoid in NEET exam.

Don’ts while preparing for NEET 2020:

  1. Stay Away from Guesswork: Accuracy is the key factor for success in NEET exam. Blind guessing will never help you. It only discourages you at the end, nothing else! But then again if you are able to guess smartly, you will never receive loss due to it. So, it is always better to do INTELLIGENT/ SMART GUESSING than BLIND GUESSING! You must know these 9 Hacks to make smart guess in multiple type questions.
  2. Do not Procrastinate: Procrastination is the thief of time and every time you put off studying for another day or week, you are losing time for yourself. Avoid piling up study topics for the last moment.
Related Article: 11 Helpful Tips to avoid Procrastination
  1. Do not Ignore your Health: It is necessary to take proper care of your health while preparing for NEET or any exam. You should avoid eating junk food, must take at least 7 hours of sleep a day and do your regular exercise. It has been observed that most of the times students tend to suffer indigestion due to long hours of study. So, avoid eating junk food and remain healthy .
  2. Do not Lose Confidence: Keeping up your self-confidence is the key differentiator between those who make it to crack NEET and those who do not. Read books that motivates you and help developing your psychological strength. Book by Anuj Khare, The Secret To Success is one such book which let you know what it takes to be successful in achieving your goals. You can also read articles here, such as how to memorize things faster or How to Improve Your Memory and Remember More.
  3. Do not forget the rules of NEET 2020 exam: Check NEET dress code before entering into the exam hall. Do not carry any kind of items such as food, etc. which are not permitted in the exam hall.

Follow these Do’s & Don’ts for NEET Exam to make your preparation more effective and fruitful. We wish you “Good Luck” for the upcoming exam.

MTG Presents the Most Popular NEET Preparation Books. Check the entire range

Related Article: Must Read 21 Powerful NEET Preparation Tips 

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