Monday, 29 July 2019

7 Tips Your NEET Score Could Have Been Better

The National Testing Agency has declared the NEET Result 2019 on June 5, 2019. Some of the students have qualified NEET exam with very good rank, they must be elated and must have celebrated their success. Congratulation to all NEET 2019 qualifiers! But some students could not qualify or some of the successful candidates didn’t score enough to get admission in their dream college even after year’ of handful preparation. We understand that it is a really heart-breaking moment. We have worked out to find the reason why such students fail to score well in NEET exam and based on which have formulated essential tips to ensure NEET aspirants could score better. Follow these tips and give your best efforts in your next attempt. Because everybody deserves a second chance to prove them and achieve their goals. Scroll down to find out the tips how your NEET result could have better.
1.      By Managing Time Properly
This is the most important factor when it comes to clearing NEET exam. But most of the students start writing the paper without taking care of proper time management. And when the time gets over, they are left with no other option than leaving the unattempt questions, due to which they lose precious marks. You have 180 questions in NEET exam and 180 minutes to solve them. This means you have one minute to solve each question. Therefore, it is always advisable that you have a preset schedule in mind. Out of 180 at least 140 questions should be theory based or simple numericals that won’t take more than half a minute. So, considering that you still can spend close to 3 minutes for the challenging problems.
The best way to improve your time management in NEET exam is to solve many online mock tests as you can. It will help you understand the exam pattern and make a strategy accordingly. MTG Online Mock Test Series is simple yet highly effective test platform giving you multiple types of tests based on the topic and level of difficulties. It helps you in increasing your speed and improve your question solving skills with better accuracy.
2.     Getting Right Order of Attempt

NEET question paper has a mix of easy, average and difficult questions. Doing hard questions first will waste your time and make you lose confidence. Remember both hard and easy questions carry same marks. So, it’s better to attempt all the easy questions first and follow the order of attempt that you are comfortable with. It plays a good role in building up your strategy to attempt the exam.
Our preferred order of Attempt is: Biology | Physics | Chemistry
If you get 82 questions right out of 90 questions in Biology that would make 320 marks.
35 correct answers out 45 in Chemistry would give you 130 marks.
In Physics, 30 correct answers out of 45 questions will make 105 marks.
This will totally make 555 NEET score out of 720 and if you succeed in getting this result you will just have the good chances to get admission in a good medical college.
You are advised to solve as many test series as you can with different orders and see what order works best for you. Follow that order and include it in your strategy.
3.     Try to Avoid Negative Marking
Every negative mark avoided is also a mark gained! There is a negative marking for every wrong attempt. So, you need to have clarity on what you know and what you don’tRemember, blind guessing will never help you in NEET exam. It only discourages you at the end, nothing else! But then again if you are able to guess smartly, you will never receive loss due to it. So, it is always better to do INTELLIGENT/ SMART GUESSING than BLIND GUESSING! You must know these 9 Hacks to make smart guess in multiple type questions (click blog;
4.     By Focusing on Calculation
It is commonly seen that most of the students do not get the right answer in the estimated time because they make silly calculation mistakes such as doing addition or multiplication incorrectly. To prevent such errors, you need to focus on the calculation in hand. You should do such calculation on paper rather than in thoughts. Make a habit of double-checking everything you calculated so that you can reduce the calculation mistakes.
Having insight about the common mistakes made by NEET students can help you improve your chances of scoring well in the exam. Read our blog – 5Silly Mistakes to avoid in NEET exam.
5.     Giving equal importance to each Physics, Chemistry and Biology
Many NEET aspirants seems to focus only on Biology section. It’s natural that you love Biology the most but at this stage, you should not forget that Physics and Chemistry have as much importance as Biology. You should prepare for all the three sections by giving them equal importance.
What If 30% Efforts Can Get You 90% Scores! Be Smart & Have the List of NEET 2020 Most Important Topics With their Marking Weightage. Go for NEET Explorer!
6.     Re-check your Marked Answer
Last minute hustle may increase the chances of mistakes and negative marking, so keep the last 10 or 15 minutes to check whether you correctly marked the answers (fill the OMR sheet carefully in NEET).
7.      Be confident!
Lack of confidence is one big obstacle for NEET aspirants. Keeping up your self-confidence is the key differentiator between those who make it to crack NEET and those who do not. Read books that motivates you and help developing your psychological strength. Book by Anuj Khare, The Secret To Success is one such book which let you know what it takes to be successful in achieving your goals. You can also read articles here, such as how to memorize things faster or read the books like How to Improve Your Memory and Remember More. The book by Pradyumn Singh, NEET success blueprint is a story of a boy who did not lose his hope, keep trying and cleared NEET in his third attempt.
Hope the above-mentioned tips would help you in figuring out your fault why you could not score well in NEET Exam. As the famous saying goes, ‘Fall seven times, stand up eight’, you should also dust yourself and get ready for the race again to ace NEET 2020.
This time make sure your NEET score is desirable and you make through NEET Exam with the help of our NEET package.  With more than 80% success rate in NEET year-after-year, MTG’s NEET products are the most sought and recommended books to get SURE-SHOT SUCCESS IN NEET. This is the best tip that your NEET Result could have been better. Explore more, click here

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